Haram Jobs in Islam: Exploring 30 Forbidden Occupations

Linda Corker

Haram Jobs in Islam

The purpose of the people’s own hands and lawful livelihoods is to fulfill economic needs. There is no alternative to filling the basic needs including food, clothing, housing, education, and medical care in daily life. Which job is halal and Which jobs are Haram? This is not to introduce many of us.

However, it is best to earn yourself in halal ways by protecting yourself from the forbidden job to meet your needs. In the hadith, Priyanki (saw) said:

Mikadam The Prophet of Allah, Dawood Alaihis Salam, used to earn his hands. (Bukhari)

So we are giving a list of what to do in these post-post jobs. Moreover, I will also discuss the principles of the forbidden jaw in Islam so that you can gain a popper idea in this regard.

What is the forbidden job?

Jobs or businesses, in these two ways, are the way people are employed, and so are the way to earn a living. In addition, people who earn income through other activities are in some way.

Jobs as a way to earn: A section of the world is employed. We can divide them into two parts. Government employees and private employees. To be lawful in both jobs, there are several things to be Shariah.

First, the activities of the organization are in Islamic principles. Whether the organization does not do any illegal or non-Islamic issues. Whether the organization has any relation to any other subject of interest or oppression.

Many government organizations are involved in various activities of the state, located in the welfare and service of the people. In these establishments, it is recommended that the salary be halal for the employees working in these establishments.

However, the person who does the job must conduct his actions without honesty, bribery, and deception. He has to be devoted from the place of honesty and responsibility. Then the person’s earnings or salary will be lawful.

Why should you avoid the Haram jobs?

Allah Almighty has sent people to the world to worship Him. In the Holy Qur’an Allah says, “I have created the genes and the people that they will worship me” (Surah: Ziyyat, verse: 1).

God has given many human and ideological responsibilities to the people. God has sent numerous foods and drinks to survive.

However, to get these, people have to choose the path of lawful and good living. Avoid the Haram jobs. There is no alternative to earning halal only the believing people. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, “Looking for halal living is an essential duty after the obligatory worship.” This means that after the basic worship, there is the urge to work for a lawful living.

Remember, no human is a being other than Halal earning. The essential condition of worship is to earn halal. And if you make a living in the Qur’an and Sunnah, earnings are lawful.

Haram jobs list

  1. Interest-based banking: Working in conventional banks that deal with interest.
  2. Alcohol-related jobs: Brewing, selling, or promoting alcoholic beverages.
  3. Gambling industry: Working in casinos, gambling establishments, or promoting gambling.
  4. Pork-related businesses: Dealing with the production, processing, or selling of pork.
  5. Entertainment industry: Jobs involving explicit content, promoting immorality, or engaging in Haram activities.
  6. Insurance companies: Some scholars consider conventional insurance to involve elements of uncertainty (Gharar) and interest (riba).
  7. Advertising harmful products: Promoting substances or products that are harmful to health or well-being.
  8. Tobacco industry: Jobs related to the production or promotion of tobacco products.
  9. Music industry: Some scholars consider certain types of music to be haram.
  10. Modeling for inappropriate products: Modeling for products that go against Islamic values.
  11. Lottery-related jobs: Working in the lottery industry.
  12. Working in fraudulent schemes: Jobs that involve deception, fraud, or scams.
  13. Illegal or unethical trading: Engaging in unethical business practices or trading forbidden goods.

More Haram jobs

  1. Nightclub or bar employment: Working in establishments that promote Haram activities.
  2. Manufacturing idols or religious artifacts: Jobs involving the production of idols or religious items for non-Islamic religions.
  3. Spying or espionage: Working as a spy or engaging in activities that involve betraying one’s country.
  4. Dealing with dishonest measurements: Engaging in business practices that involve cheating in measurements.
  5. Tattooing or body piercing: Jobs that involve modifying the body in ways contrary to Islamic teachings.
  6. Astrology or fortune-telling: Engaging in activities related to predicting the future through illegitimate means.
  7. Selling fake or counterfeit goods: Jobs involving the sale of counterfeit products.
  8. Military jobs against Islamic principles: Engaging in military activities that go against Islamic ethics.
  9. Working in a riba-based financial system: Jobs that directly involve interest-based financial systems.
  10. Working in the adult industry: Jobs related to dance or adult entertainment.
  11. Environmental harm: Jobs contribute to significant environmental degradation.
  12. Animal exploitation: Jobs that involve cruelty or exploitation of animals.
  13. Working in a non-Islamic religious institution: Jobs that involve promoting or supporting beliefs contrary to Islam.
  14. Securities trading without clear ownership: Engaging in speculative trading without clear ownership.
  15. Jobs involving bribery: Engaging in or supporting bribery.
  16. Working in a riba-based insurance company: If jobs related to conventional insurance involving interest will be Haram.
  17. Jobs involving dishonesty or deceit: Engaging in professions where dishonesty or deceit is a fundamental aspect.

Alternative to haram jab

Haram Jobs in Islam
Haram Jobs in Islam

Business as a way to earn: The magnitude of the business is very large. Most people in the world are involved in different types of businesses. There is no end to the type of business, including production in shops, and factories. The importance of adherence to Islamic policy in business management is immense.

The earnings of a businessman will not be lawful or valid until he follows the principles. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) encouraged the achievement of Halal through business. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ‘You trade. Because your livelihood is divided into 3 parts and 5 percent of it is in business. ‘

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did not hesitate to declare the business excellent.

However, if you do not comply with the basic things in doing business, earning will never be lawful. They are-

Business Transparency: A businessman is honest, devoted, and promised. He will earn a good income above deception, deception and will be free from all dishonest and wrongdoing of business management. Islam unjustly forbids making money. Allah says, “Do not consume each other’s wealth unjustly among yourself.” (Surah Bakara, Verse: 1).


What is Haram in the context of the jobs?

In Islamic terminology, forbidden Islamic law refers to prohibited action or practice. Forbidden job means being involved in anti-Islamic principles.

How do scholars decide whether jobs are Haram?

The scholars will determine a job based on the verses of the Qur’an, the hadith, and the opinion of the Imams. They also evaluate whether they are involved in a job against interest, gambling, or Islamic morality in a job.

Is it forbidden to work in a conventional bank?

Yes, all Islamic scholars are forbidden to work in a conventional bank. Islam has Haram to be involved in interest and to assist in interest is also forbidden. Therefore, since interest-based transactions are promoted or facilities are provided in this national job, it is Haram to do jobs here.

Are all the jobs in the financial sector Haram?

No, not all the financial sector work is inherently Haram. Islamic Finance provides alternatives that adhere to the Shariah principles and will not be forbidden. However, jobs associated with interest-based transactions, estimating trade, or immoral practices may be Haram.

Haram is working in the insurance industry?

It depends on the type of insurance. The conventional insurance associated with the components of interest (houses) and interest (RBA) is often forbidden. However, Islamic insurance (moneyful) is considered as approved by the Shariah policies.

Is it forbidden to work in the healthcare or pharmaceutical industry?

In general, working in the healthcare or pharmaceutical industry is not Haram. However, if their jobs involve the production or promotion of harmful or banned products in Islam, it may be problematic.

Haram working in the entertainment industry?

Jobs in the entertainment industry, especially those who are involved in Islamic values, are forbidden. However, not all roles in the industry are universally prohibited and views may be different.

Can anyone work in a non -Muslim country without being involved in forbidden activities?

Yes, working in Muslim non-countries for Muslims is allowed until the Haram activities are involved in their jobs. Muslims are encouraged to maintain their religious principles while performing their professional duties.

Can a person decide how his job is forbidden or not lawful?

He can consult with any wise Islamic scholars. Islamic teaching about specific jobs can be research books. It can also evaluate whether the activities are involved in Islamic principles.

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